Case Study: Knowledge Management

Case Studies


Knowledge Management

The Challenge:

  • National strategy consulting firm

  • Recognized their current inefficiencies in managing the internal knowledge capital

  • Had never focused on their knowledge management needs

  • Asked McMann & Ransford (M&R) to assist them in evaluating their needs and implementing best practices for knowledge management in use in the industry

The Situation:

  • Each of the firm’s offices had its own informal network of knowledge sharing practices

  • The firm had done some very unique and valuable project for clients and lost the experience and knowledge when the consultants left the firm

  • The firm was beginning to see much more staffing of projects from different offices and needed tools to facilitate collaboration

  • There were no vehicles to share work templates, tools, and best practices

  • There was a feeling that they were having to always reinvent the wheel

  • Only the more senior personnel knew who to contact for expert knowledge on unique problems and solutions

  • Management recognized the need to work smarter and leverage the experiences of the firm nationally

The Results:

  • M&R assisted the project team in identifying all of the needs of the firm for knowledge management

  • M&R pointed out new ways to capitalize on the firms knowledge capital based on its experiences in many similar experiences with other leading consulting organizations

  • M&R identified software solutions to meet the firms need and assisted in evaluating and selecting the best solution

  • M&R also advised the firm on the integration of this solution with other initiatives being undertaken

  • M&R assisted throughout the implementation, including the important steps in developing a change strategy to insure the benefits of the knowledge management solution we realized