Effective Beginnings

“Begin with the end in mind.” This is powerful advice from Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which can be applied to kicking off any consulting engagement. Although change is inevitable in any consulting project, a foundation must be set from which a project plan can be made. By defining an end goal for the project, an agile project plan that is responsive to your client’s feedback and changing needs can be created. Simultaneously, beginning with the end in mind helps to navigate new project variables as they arise while maintaining a focus on the desired outcomes. The remainder of this blog is dedicated to the several strategies that can be utilized to effectively begin a project.

Utilizing Creative Sessions 

Anytime that an assignment comes across your desk, the first question asked should be, “what is the destination?” Answering this question is an effective way to kick-off a project, however, determining the correct answer is the true challenge when working with clients. Consultants will often take it upon themselves to determine the best possible outcome given their clients’ needs. Though it is important for individuals to think through and develop a solution to their assignment independently, it is critical to involve other, more senior members of your firm in the discussion. Remember, your success as a consultant is reliant on your ability to combine your own thoughts and opinions with those of your colleagues. The best way to do this (especially at the outset of a new project or assignment) is to schedule and conduct creative sessions with other members of your team.

Creative sessions are an organized form of brainstorming that facilitate a small group discussion focused around the end goal of an assignment and how that goal can be achieved. It should be noted that there is an important distinction between creative sessions and general brainstorming. Creative sessions are organized by the owner of the assignment and that individual should come into the meeting with a plan and an initial point of view on the end goal they hope to accomplish. This organization creates a foundation from which other, more senior members of the project or assignment team, can provide feedback while also sharing fresh perspectives on how they view the solution. Further, creative sessions organized in this way ensure that there is a clear and full understanding of the problem that needs to be solved. Utilizing creative sessions forces you to think about an assignment holistically, while also providing the opportunity to validate and defend your proposed end goal. This best practice enables you to begin with the end in mind, while simultaneously considering how you will get there. Primarily, creative sessions establish focus, but many young consultants struggle with planning for these sessions. So what can you do to prepare?

To reach any destination, you must begin with the first step. Admittedly, this can be daunting, especially when the assignment is challenging to think through. With that said, the key is simply getting started. No one expects you to be entirely correct at this juncture of the project and mistakes are anticipated. What matters most is showing initiative and establishing a foundation from which momentum can be gained. Taking action requires making predictions and assumptions regarding the end goal, which will be either validated or debunked in the forthcoming creative session. Remember, this is why you schedule creative sessions in the first place. As an individual, when you take the first step, you create an environment where you can gather more input to establish buy-in and consensus around the assignment outcome. When consensus is established, you are ready to build deliverables that should be accompanied by “check-my-thinking” reviews.

Check-My-Thinking Reviews

After you have taken the individual initiative to start an assignment and have held your creative session, you will have a good handle on the outcome you are seeking. With this new understanding, you can begin to build deliverables that support your client’s journey to the destination. Though you are tasked with building these deliverables, it is critical that you seek support and input from your supervisor early in the process. A best practice for this is to schedule quick “check-my-thinking” calls that ensure you are heading in the right direction.

“Check-my-thinking” reviews are exactly what they sound like. You, as the owner of the deliverable, schedule calls with your supervisor to validate the concepts that you have included in the documents. These meetings should occur early and often and are designed as a checkpoint to provide guidance and updates on the work that has been completed. The goal of these meetings is to mitigate the need for re-work. There is nothing more deflating or inefficient than putting time and energy into a deliverable that has missed the mark. Further, they provide an opportunity for your supervisor to guide you through any necessary course corrections based on changes in scope. Adjustments to deliverables are inevitable, which is why “check-my-thinking” reviews are a critical element to the beginning stages of any assignment or project.

These reviews should be scheduled when considerable changes have been made to the deliverables that you are producing. Like scheduling creative sessions, you, as the deliverable owner, must take an initiative in scheduling and planning the agenda for the meeting. This agenda can take many forms, but at a minimum should include changes made to the deliverables and a list of questions that will enhance your ability to make further progress. These meetings do not need to be long, however, it is important that the deliverable you share has evolved since the previous checkpoint. Further, the frequency of these meetings is dependent on the number of adjustments made to deliverables, which likely means most of these meetings will occur in the early stages of the assignment. As you know by now, adjustments are inevitable, but having check-ins early and often will ensure that you are on the right track to producing the agreed upon outcome. Though much has been said, this process is very simple: get started, ask for input, and adjust as necessary.


Effective beginnings are the cornerstone of successful consulting engagements. Starting with the end in mind provides a solid foundation for agile project planning, allowing you to navigate the uncertainties of a project while remaining focused on the desired outcome. Utilizing creative sessions with team members fosters collaboration and enables a holistic approach to problem-solving, ensuring a clear understanding of the assignment and its goals. While the initial step may seem daunting, acting and making informed predictions paves the way for you to gather valuable input and to achieve consensus within the project team. With this consensus you can produce well-crafted deliverables that are enhanced with check-my-thinking reviews. By combining strategic thinking, team collaboration, and a proactive approach to beginning projects, you can establish a strong trajectory towards achieving client objectives and delivering exceptional results.

Written by: Dean McMann

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About the Author: Dean McMann is a Founding Partner at McMann & Ransford with 35+ years of experience in consulting and professional services.  He is a sought-after expert and speaker on topics of: B2B differentiation, professional services best practices, and overcoming commoditization.  In addition to his extensive experience in the Professional Services space, Dean also serves on the board of various non-profit organizations.

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